Segretarjat għal-Lajċi, Malta.
















Komunikat Nru 6 mis-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet dwar l-Evanġelizzazzjoni Ġdida biex innisslu l-Fidi Nisranija

Mibgħut lilna mill-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Monsinjur Mario Grech, Isqof ta' Għawdex.

22 Ottubru 2012



(1)  H. E Mons. Filippo SANTORO, Archbishop of Taranto (ITALY)

The New Evangelization is thirsty to meet Christians who are distant now and enter into dialogue with current culture in the world. But very often the world has no wish to enter into dialogue with us and, if it does, it is only in battles it has arranged according to the spirit of the time.

But also at the beginnings of Evangelization nobody was interested in having dialogue with Christians, with that small group of strange men who believed that a crucified man had risen from the dead. But in fact it was to this world that they turned, showing those who ignored or persecuted them the experience of a changed life and the proposal for salvation. They did not answer this world with a speech, but with the miracle of a transformed humanity.



(2)  H. E. Mons. José Guadalupe MARTÍN RÁBAGO, Archbishop of León (MEXICO)


The Latin American magisterium makes frequent references to the pastoral value of popular piety.  We recognize that evangelization and purification of popular piety presents challenges that must be faced with pastoral creativity, because this, left at the mercy of pure sentimentalism and folklore, impedes the creation of a truly evangelizing culture able to transform the structures of sin, such as the social inequalities, violence, injustice and other manifestations that contradict human dignity and fraternal cohabitation.




(3) Card. TURKSON, Pontifical Council for justiceice and Peace (VATICAN CITY)

Now, in consideration of this historical moment, there is an urgent need for even a new evangelization of the social, not only because it is an inescapable content of new evangelization, but also because it is, obviously, its effective instrument.

In fact, many persons are more sensitive today to questions of human rights, ecology, the fight against poverty, the themes that touch upon the concrete life of the individual and the common life of nations. This is a reality that can be drawn as an authentic opportunity for new evangelization; and for this reason, the opening of evangelization can effectively be the “social” one.....

It would be opportune to make the great tradition of “social sanctity” more greatly known. For example: the priests Arcangelo Tardini and Jose Maria Arizmandarrieta (Social pastoral), the Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo (employment), Robert Schuman, Alcide De Gasperi and Julius Nyerere (political field).

As Blessed John XXIII stated in the Encyclical Mater et Magister - that is, that “it is not enough merely to formulate a social doctrine. It must be translated into reality”.

Why not think about consecrating a Synodal Assembly to the theme of the (New) Evangelization of the social?



(4) Card. George ALENCHERRY, Archbishop Major of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malabars, Head of Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church (INDIA)

New Evangelization calls for a self evaluation within the Church. It is a fact that there are many in the Church who do not know who Christ is and what cost they have to pay to be his disciples. The Church has to become more and more a communion of persons who have encountered Christ and thereby volunteer by the power of the Grace of God to pay the cost of discipleship of Christ. The universal call to holiness has to become a fundamental awareness for all the Christian faithful. The uniqueness of Christian faith and the ever-renewed commitment to Christ in the Church has to become the driving force for the life of every Christian. Jesus Christ the unique savior is the one who works both in the evangelizer and the evangelized. He has said of himself: “I am the truth, I am the light, I am the way, I am the door, I am the bread, and I am the life.”

During the 50 years after Vatican II, the renewal of the Church has been multifaceted and highly productive. At the same time the lives and ministry of priests and men and women of consecrated life have become more functional than spiritual and ecclesial. It would seem that the present-day formation of priests and the religious personnel tends to make them functionaries for different offices in the Church, rather than missionaries inflamed by the love of Christ. ... Secularization has impacted the lives of individual Christians and also of ecclesial communities. New Evangelization demands a thorough renewal of the lives of individual Christians and the reevaluation of the structures of the Church to empower them with the dynamism of the Gospel values of truth, justice, love, peace and harmony.



(5) H. E. António José DA ROCHA COUTO, Bishop of Lamego (PORTUGAL)

The Church of yesterday, today and always must have the characteristics of the face of Jesus Christ. It must therefore be filial, fraternal, loving, near and welcoming. It must have the dynamics of the first Christian communities, as the author of the book of the Acts of the Apostles presented them; always attentive to the Word of God, communion, the breaking of the bread and prayer (2:42-47, 4:32-35, 5:12-15), a permanent atrium of brotherhood open to the world in such a way as to be and to reflect a young, agile and beautiful Church, so young, agile and beautiful that people fight to enter it.

 It must be, moreover, a herald church, completely bound to its Lord, not seduced by the novelty of the latest fashion, but rather firm in faithfulness to its Lord, which translates in a total gift of itself, in a lifestyle that is poor, humble, bare, happy, passionate, audacious, near and dedicated. Yes, we need proclaimers of the Gospel who are without gold, silver, copper, bags, two tunics.



(6)  H. E. Mons. Bonifacio Antonio REIMANN PANIC, Apostolic Vicar of Ñuflo de Chávez (BOLIVIA)

From the viewpoint of believers, we focus particularly on the phenomenon of the disintegration of the family. The absence of the father may be explained in many ways and in the light of many anthropological, cultural and economic factors. We believe that the proclamation of God the Father as given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ must be the source of the new evangelization. The phenomenon of the absence of the father and its importance for social and personal life reflects the experience of the paternity of God and on the loss of typically Christian values, such as selflessness, fraternity, responsibility and forgiveness.


The encounter between Jesus Christ and the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:4-43) throws new light on the difficult situation that every woman experiences today within the family. This encounter reveals the profound human identity of the Lord. ... It reveals the human identity of the woman, prostitute and without husband, who becomes a disciple and witness of the truth. And it is this type of encounter with Jesus that linethe New Evangelization refers us to - the New Evangelization must therefore be addressed to the Bolivian woman, as a mother and wife, often abandoned, undervalued and mistreated, so that through the encounter with Christ she too, like the Samaritan, might live in true dignity.



(7)  F. Marco TASCA, O.F.M. Conv., Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual

Today we live in culture that has truly been “mass-media-ized”. Today the majority of men and women organize their working and emotional, recreational and relational lives with reference to the media (think of the internet and smartphones) and yet the media undoubtedly represent a great opportunity. “In the communications media - writes Blessed John Paul II - the Church finds a precious aid for spreading the Gospel. The Church willingly employs these media to furnish information about itself and to expand the boundaries of evangelization, of catechesis and of formation, considering their use as a response to the command of the Lord: ‘Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature’” (Mk 16:15) (Apostolic Letter, The Rapid Development, 24 January 2005, no.7).

This is about discovering that “there exists a Christian way of being present in the digital world” which today has to increasingly characterize itself as a proposal for an identifying profile (digital as well) that is coherent and at the same time welcoming.

The New Evangelization is a question of new relationships starting with those from which it is then possible to steer the explicit message of Jesus Christ as the one and universal saviour. If the world of the media is by definition massifying, the Christian perspective that has to operate in it is that which leads to welcoming the person in his individuality, in his being the recipient of the revelation of God. We therefore have to rejoice in the many opportunities that the new frontiers of the communications scenario offer us.



(8)  Rev. Julián CARRÓN, President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation (ITALY)

We can no longer “think of the faith as a self-evident presupposition for life in society”. In fact, “not only can this presupposition no longer be taken for granted, but it is often openly denied” (Porta Fidei, 2)....

All the efforts made until today are having trouble generating e newness of life that will arouse curiosity on how the baptized live. How can the fracture between faith and life be overcome, a fracture that makes it harder for faith to be found in a reasonable way, and therefore, attractive? Without rediscovering and welcoming the precious gift that is faith, new evangelization risks being diminished to being a question for experts.

To incite this interest, we have an ally in the heart of man from any culture and condition. We know that the heart of man is made for the infinite. Awaiting its achievement remains in him. Because there is “no false infinite that can satisfy him”. “What, then, will anyone gain by winning the whole world and forfeiting his life?” (Mt 16:26).


A doctrine, a group of rules, an organization cannot answer this expectation, only an event. As Fr. Giussani said during the 1987 Synod, “What is lacking is not as much the verbal or cultural repetition of the proclamation. Today’s man perhaps awaits subconsciously the experience of the encounter with persons for whom the fact of Christ is such a present reality that it has changed their lives”. A place where everyone is invited to verify what the first verified on the banks of the river Jordan: “Come and see”, because “a faith that cannot be evidentiated and found in present experience, confirmed by it, that is not useful in answering its needs, will not be a faith capable of resisting in a world where everything, absolutely everything, says the opposite”.



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